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Center for the Promotion of Global Education


JEP Kyoto

Japanese Experience Program in Kyoto(JEP Kyoto)

2015 年4 月に国際文化学部が国際学部として、瀬田キャンパスから深草キャンパスへ移転・改組をしたのを機に、これまで交換留学生に提供してきた留学生別科(JCLP)のプログラムと、Japanese and Asian Studies (JAS)プログラムを改編し、交換留学生のための新しいプログラムJapanese Experience Program in Kyoto(JEP Kyoto)をスタートしました。このプログラムは受入交換留学生のためのプロブラムですが、実践的な日本語能力を養成することを目的とし、トピックシラバスをベースに、日本語未履修者などの日本語初級者から上級者まで、幅広い層の交換留学生に対応できる内容となっています。日本語または英語で受講することができる日本事情科目という科目があり、さらに、語学要件が満たされ、担当教員からの許可があれば、希望する本学の学部や大学院の授業も履修することが可能です。

Ryukoku University offers two unique courses of study (JEP-J・JEP-E) for exchange students from our Partner Universities located throughout the world. Both cater specifically to international students, and applicants can select the course of study which suits their personal study goals and interests.

JEP-J Study Course Features

The JEP-J study course consists of intensive Japanese language subjects each morning (up to 11 credits) and a selection of elective courses in the afternoons. Most electives are taught in Japanese (geared toward non-native Japanese language learners) and some are taught in English. Japanese language classes are situation-based and offered from the beginner to advanced levels. JEP-J participants may also register for selected classes in Ryukoku University's Faculties and Graduate Schools. [Only students studying at the graduate level at their home university are eligible to register for subjects at the Graduate School level]

Is JEP-J For You?

We recommend the JEP-J study course for students who have had at least 300 previous hours of Japanese language study, or who have attained an equivalency of N4 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. JEP-J is ideal for those who are interested in continuing their established Japanese study by taking language classes and content subjects taught in Japanese for international students.

An overview of the JEP-J Curriculum can be found at this link.


Even if a student chooses to enroll in JEP Kyoto (Japanese) classes, the ability to do so will ultimately be determined by a Japanese language placement test administered during the Orientation period. It may be deemed necessary for students to enroll in the JEP-E study course instead.

JEP-E Study Course Features

The JEP-E study course consists of subjects taught in English on the topic of Japanese culture and society, as well as three credits of Introductory Japanese Language per semester. JEP-E participants may also register for selected classes in Ryukoku University's Faculties and Graduate Schools. [Only students studying at the graduate level at their home university are eligible to register for subjects at the Graduate School level]

Is JEP-E For You?

We recommend the JEP-E study course for students who have never studied Japanese or have studied Japanese for under 300 hours. In this study course, students will take their first steps in studying the language, and they can follow all other subjects in English. We recommend that non-native English-speaking applicants have an equivalency of TOEFL 500.

An overview of the JEP-E Curriculum can be found at this link.


The JEP Kyoto study courses are not available to students from some Partner Universities, based on the content of the specific Student Exchange Agreement which was negotiated between the institutions. To learn if you are eligible to participate in JEP Kyoto, please consult the study abroad representatives at your home university.