612-0029 4-10 Nishiura-cho, Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto
※2 minutes on foot to Fukakusa Campus
- 5 minutes on foot to Ryukokudai-mae-fukakusa Station (Keihan Line)
- 15 minutes on foot to Kuinabashi Station (Subway Karasuma Line)
- 10 minutes on foot to Inari Station (Japan Railways)
Room Amenities
Single Rooms
Desk, chair, bed, reading light, air conditioner/heater, kitchenette, toilet, curtains, laundry pole
Available in your own room

Shared Facilities
- Shower rooms/bathrooms, kitchens, coin-operated laundry equipment.
- common spaces, common TV
100,000 JPY (upon entry only)
Room Fee
≪Room Fees for International Students≫
40,000 JPY/Month
≪Amount after deduction of the International Student Scholarship≫
Scholarship Amounts: Single Room: 10,000 JPY/Month
≪Room Fees for Japanese Students≫
50,000 JPY/Month
Monthly electricity and water charges, 10,000 JPY/Month (fixed rate)
Internet Usage Fee
Bedding Fee
1,680JPY/Month (fixed rate)
Kakebuton (heavy blanket), Shikibuton (mattress), pillow, wool blanket, towel blanket and two pairs of sheets, kakebuton covers and pillow covers.
Rental Term
6 Months
*Exchange Students and JCLP Students can reside in the dormitory for up to one year (the length of their study period at Ryukoku University).
The introduction video of each International Student Dormitory, directed by Resident Supporters (Japanese Students), has been completed.