Koichi Yawata
Dean, Center for the Promotion of
Global Education
Professor, Faculty of International
Hello, Everyone. I am Koichi Yawata, Dean of the Center for the Promotion of Global Education (R-Globe).
The Center for Global Education (R-Globe) serves as a platform for connecting Ryukoku University with the world. Located on the first floor of the Wagenkan Building on Fukakusa Campus, R-Globe is staffed by approximately 20 people who provide support for outbound Ryukoku University Students and international students from overseas, and conclude educational and research exchange agreements between Ryukoku University and institutions throughout the world.
In addition to regular International Students who have passed entrance examinations for their respective Faculties and Graduate Schools, Ryukoku University has a large number of students from diverse backgrounds who study in our Japanese Culture and Language Program (which prepares students to enter Ryukoku University’s undergraduate and graduate degree programs) and the Japanese Experience Program in Kyoto (JEP Kyoto), which is specially designed for exchange students from our Partner Universities overseas.
Ryukoku University Students study abroad mainly through programs based on Student Exchange Agreements (136 Partner Universities in 45 countries and regions as of March 2023) and privately-funded study abroad programs through which students choose their own study abroad destination and duration. In addition, long- and short-term programs are held at Ryukoku University's U.S.-based satellite offices (in California and Hawaii), and there are work experience programs in cooperation with Japanese companies in the midst of global expansion. In addition, our "Global Commons" on campus offers a variety of exchange and learning opportunities, such as conversation classes and home country introduction seminars conducted by International Students of Ryukoku University.
Also, the "Global Supporters" (aka. "Glosappo"), a student organization consisting of students who have studied abroad or are interested in cross-cultural exchange, actively provide information to prospective students, plan and organize international exchange and foreign language-learning events, and support international students in Japan to solve problems they are facing.
Ryukoku University has two specific goals for promoting internationalization: the development of global human resources who can play an active role in international society and the realization of a multicultural campus. It is an important mission of R-Globe to contribute to the realization of these goals by connecting Ryukoku students who have acquired a rich humanity and culture that embody the spirit of Jodo Shinshu (the founding spirit of Ryukoku University) with the world.
In this age of globalization, we are also witnessing a conspicuous division among nations, cultures, ethnic groups, and religions. It is my hope that by studying abroad and interacting with international students at Ryudai, our students will develop into human resources who are able to express their own ideas without fear, are tolerant of diversity, and are individuals who will take the initiative in helping to realize "coexistence" in all aspects of society.
We hope that everyone will connect with the world, broaden their horizons, and have a variety of experiences. If you wish to study abroad, of course there are many chances to encounter international students on Fukakusa, Seta, and Omiya campus, so please feel free to consult the R-Globe Office if you would like the opportunity.